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Hora de Cuentos (Spanish/English)-South Davis Montgomery Library
April 9, 2019 @ 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Interactive story time for speakers of Spanish, English, or both. Stories,
songs, fingerplays, and crafts. All ages are welcome, but storytime is
specifically geared to 0-5-year-olds.
Programas interactivos de cuentos para hablantes de inglés, español o los
dos. Cuentos, canciones, rimas y manualidades. Son para todos los niños,
pero de 0 hasta 5 años son las edades preferidas. Gratis
No reservation is required and this event is free. This program is
sponsored by the Friends of the Davis Branch Library, and First 5 Yolo.
For more information, please call the South Davis Montgomery Library at:
530-759-2100 x8. Visit the Yolo County Library at
http://www.yolocountylibrary.org or connect with us on Facebook at:
No hay reservaciones, y este programa es gratis. Este programa patrocinado
por Friends of the Davis Branch Library y First 5 Yolo. Para mas
informacion, llame al Surcursal South Davis Montgomery al: 530-759-2100 x8.
Visite Yolo County Library enhttp://www.yolocountylibrary.org , o conecte
con nosotros en Facebook en:http://www.facebook.com/yolocountylibrary.org