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Hora de Cuentos/bilingual Spanish storytime- DAVIS (ages 0-5)
May 3, 2019 @ 9:30 am - 10:00 am
Free Interactive story time for speakers of Spanish, English, or both.
Stories, songs, movement, rhymes, and fingerplays. All ages are welcome,
but storytime is specifically geared to 0-5-year-olds. Sponsored by the
Davis Branch Library, the Friends of the Davis Library and First 5 Yolo.
Gratis Programas interactivos de cuentos para hablantes de inglés, español
o los dos. Cuentos, canciones, movimiento, rimas y manualidades. Son para
todos los niños, pero de 0 hasta 5 años son las edades preferidas.
Patrocinado por el Davis Branch Library, Davis Friends of the Library e
First 5 Yolo.
Questions? ¿Preguntas? Call/llame 530-757-5596.
No reservation is required and this event is free. The Mary L. Stephens
Davis Branch Library is accessible for persons with disabilities.
For more information, please call the Mary L. Stephens Davis Branch Library
at: 530-757-5596, visit the Yolo County Library at
http://www.yolocountylibrary.org or connect with us on Facebook at: