Latest Past Events

Bilingual Play School Experience- Winters- FREE- (0-5 years)

RISE Inc,200 Baker St, Winters, CA 95694, USA 201 Rosa Ave

THE PLAYSCHOOL EXPERIENCE RISE Inc, Winters Room 4 & 5 Children from birth to age 5 have meaningful interactions through play. It’s that simple! Parents , guardians and caregivers learn how children develop their cognitive, emotional and social skills. Parents […]

Bilingual Russian Story Time- W.Sac (Ages 4+)

1212 Merkley Ave, West Sacramento, CA 95691, USA 1212 Merkley Ave

Free Interactive story time for speakers of Spanish, Russian, or both. Stories, songs, movement, and rhymes. All ages are welcome, but storytime is specifically geared to ages 4+. No reservation is required and this event is free.

Hora de Cuentos (Spanish/English)-South Davis Montgomery Library

South Davis Montgomery Library, 1441 Danbury Street Davis, California 95618 1225 Danbury St

Interactive story time for speakers of Spanish, English, or both. Stories, songs, fingerplays, and crafts. All ages are welcome, but storytime is specifically geared to 0-5-year-olds. Programas interactivos de cuentos para hablantes de inglés, español o los dos. Cuentos, canciones, […]